Almost there, in this video we just need to very quickly setup our initial Wappler project settings to start a new blank website project and upload everything to our remote server.
This is the fifth video in the Wappler v1.2.3 "Fruit Juice international" training set, in it I am going to show how I setup my Wappler Project Settings for a website I already created, in great detail; as usual.
In this part of the tutorial we will only use Wappler, please keep in mind that I am on Wappler Pro, so if you are running anything but the Pro version I am not sure how much of this will all work moving forward.
Topics I will go over in this tutorial include:
• New Project Settings > Project Name, Folder, Type, Document or Site Relative Links, and Server Model.
• Console > Debug, System Check, and Target Check.
• File Manager > Interacting with the remote server, and expanding the File Manager to see the Remote.
• Targets > Local to Remote, Adding a Remote Target, Target Name, Remote Web Server URL, Access Type, FTP Server, Port, Remote Directory, Username, Password, Use Active, Don't use chmod, and Test Connection.