My very own terms, conditions, disclaimers & rants!
This is a video training set to show some of the main uses of Wappler! Please be mindful of the below.
I am not a designer so do not expect pretty designs from me, I use freelance designers to help make things pretty, this particular site was designed by me in Wappler, so feel free to send me better ideas or designs to
I am not a professional trainer and some of what I might say may be incorrect but works for me, I stumble, cough, have reflux moments, say um whenever my brain is ticking, hence I work in a little dark corner office away from the general populous.
I am not a professional database designer, feel free to send me your thoughts please, I can always be found on the official Wappler Community website.
I am not affiliated to Wappler or being financially remunerated by Wappler, I paid for the Pro version just like anybody else. If my YouTube channel ever gets large enough to make any form of money then I will invest in better recording equipment.
I do not have professional microphones so the sound is as good as it gets, but improving all the time, as I test one video will be good and the next might be bad, one might be loud and the next might be soft.
I have made a website for this training for one reason alone, YouTube will not allow annotations any longer so I can not skip to various parts in the same video, therefore I am hoping this will be easier for you guys as I have created a "SKIP VIDEO TO POSITION" button found directly under each and every video.
I have a dog, he is a nightmare, he may bark, he may jump at the side of my chair and make a little noise, sorry about that, maybe if YouTube ever gives me enough I will invest in a studio with sound absorption panels etc.
These video sets are long, I am long winded and anyone that knows anything about me will agree, but more information is better than less. I have tried to add buttons to each video in the set to skip me rambling and get to the part you might want.
The videos are free so feel free to watch as much as you like, share them with friends, embed them on your own website, but they do originate from my YouTube Channel so please Subscribe, comment and like or dislike.
My voice, I have been told is boring, get your coffee ready before you begin.